Design your own Unicorn


Design your own unicorn. From Sunday 6th June

It's time for our first ever Studio de-stash Sunday where you can design your own unicorn* and have it specially made for you!  


Image saying How it Works

+  You choose a fabric you love and then design your own garment - a dress, skirt, top or tee - to create your own Unicorn.

+  We’ve done videos on Youtube and Instagram IGTV showing the different fabrics available and what could be made from them

+  ALL THE AVAILABLE FABRICS ARE SHOWN BELOW, categorised by fabric type - woven, knit or gauze.  (If it's been sold there will be a SOLD symbol on the image below)

+   Check out the website for the different styles and start designing your unicorn 🦄*

+  You can make your own customisations like length or maybe different sleeves, sleeve band colours if you're wanting a Tee.


Image saying How to Order




+ Check out the available fabrics below, or for videos check out the “Design your own Unicorn” IGTV  or Youtube to see the available fabrics.

    + Have a look at the website for the different garment styles

    + To order, send an email to and include the following:





    STYLE: e.g. Mabel dress

    PRINT: e.g. Rainbow

    SIZE: 14

    NOTES: e.g. please add 5cm to length


    + We'll then create a custom order (the price being the same as what's listed on the website for the garment) for you and you'll receive an email for you to complete payment online via the website.

    + PLEASE NOTE: for some of the fabrics there is only enough for 1 garment so it will be based on when your order email is received and payment completed.

    + We’ll then get to cutting out and making up your new unicorn. Please note the turnaround will be between 2-3 weeks.

    Hope you have fun creating your unique Tee or Dress 🦄

    Have fun getting creative!
    Danita + Bianca


    *obviously not a real unicorn 🦄, rather a ‘unicorn’ unique garment!

    100% cotton - woven

    Gatsby girls Yoga girls
    Gerberas Green florantine

    Rainbow fabric

    For Rainbow fabric only:
    Mabel & Lulu - $153

    Eden skirt - $83

    Mod grid


    Retro Cockatoo


    100% organic cotton knit

    Rainbow Shapes Rainbow cloud
    Vases Jungle knit
    Roller skates knit Cockatoo knit
    Tigers knit Paint palette has sold out

    100% organic cotton gauze

    Gerberas gauze Confetti gauze
    Puzzle Pop Indigo Florantine
    Scandi flower Jungle gauze